Tips to Help Your Kids Have Healthy Teeth

healthy teeth Astoria, NY

If you are a parent, you probably have a plethora of questions when it comes to keeping your kid’s teeth healthy. From their brushing and flossing habits to scheduling their first dental appointment, parents have a hard time judging what dental care their child needs.

The problem seems even more serious when your kid’s teeth have not yet appeared. Just because they are not visible, that does not mean your child has no teeth. It may surprise you to know that a kid’s teeth begin forming in the second trimester of pregnancy. That means a baby is born with 20 primary teeth, out of which some are half or fully developed.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways parents can help their kids develop natural teeth. This article will go over a few of these ways.

Tips to keep a kid’s teeth healthy

Become a role model for your kids

No one can deny that children imitate the people around them. With that mind, it is extremely important that parents be their role models, even when it comes to seemingly minor things. Role models need to demonstrate good oral habits, like brushing and flossing, so that their child also adopts them.

A parent's duty does not end here — it is important that they monitor how their kid brushes or flosses their teeth. Teach them the right way or take them to the bathroom along with you to make it a part of their daily routine. This demonstration plays an important role in developing healthy teeth.

Proper brushing

It is known for a fact that proper brushing is the first step to maintaining good oral health. Brushing for at least two minutes, twice a day, is recommended. You can set a timer or use a tartar dye to make sure the brush reaches all tooth surfaces properly.

Kids under the age of two or three need to be taught how to hold the toothbrush, how much toothpaste they should use, and how and when to spit it. As a parent, it is your duty to make sure your kid has learned the right oral health habits.

Scheduling dental appointments

Your kid’s teeth require a dental checkup at least twice a year. Make sure you keep all your dental appointments and make it a normal activity.

Ideally your child should have his/her first dental appointment within six months after their first tooth appears.

Eating healthy foods

This is one of the most important tips to follow if you want your kid’s teeth to grow naturally healthy. Avoid sugary foods and drinks as much as you can. Discuss with them how cavities can damage their teeth if they do not take care to brush after they eat, especially after eating sugar. Tell them it is important to eat healthy foods to have strong and healthy teeth.

Bottom line

If you are you considering a dental visit to learn more about how to keep your child's teeth healthy, talk to one of our dental health professionals today.

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