How Can I Whiten My Teeth Naturally?

As we grow older, it is normal for teeth to begin yellowing. However, many teeth whitening strategies can help delay this process.

Although you can quickly get teeth-whitening kits from most nearby pharmacies, you can use natural solutions to clear teeth stains and shield the tooth enamel.

What Causes Teeth Yellowing?

Enamel thinning

The enamel is on the outer layer of the teeth colored white and shields the structure of the tooth. Under the enamel is a tissue layer called dentin, with yellow-brown color. As the enamel layer wears off, the teeth start to darken.

Acidic foods, aging, and gum disease can degrade the enamel. Some people have naturally thin enamel.


Certain foods and beverages like coffee can cause teeth stains. These teeth-staining foods also destroy the enamel, causing yellowing. Smoking and other tobacco products can also stain the teeth.

How to Whiten the Teeth Naturally

Dietary modifications

Removing teeth-staining foods from your diet can inhibit further staining of your teeth. As much as possible, stay away from coffee, dark sodas, juices, and tannin-containing food and beverage. Alternatively, ensure you brush your teeth after consuming these foods.

Doctors typically suggest that you should brush your teeth 30 minutes after eating. Acids weaken the enamel, therefore cleaning immediately after eating may do harm.

Also, stopping smoking and tobacco products can lessen the chances of getting stained from nicotine. It also eliminates the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, which can destroy your enamel and cause oral diseases.

Oil Pulling

This option is the process of cleaning the mouth with oil to eliminate bacteria, debris, and dirt. This strategy is not a replacement for the usual flossing or brushing, but some research indicates that cleaning the mouth with some oils may whiten the teeth.

To do this, brush first, then wash your mouth with oil for one minute before spitting it out. Oils suitable for this procedure include coconut oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil.

Brush with baking soda

Baking soda can gradually clean away blemishes on the teeth’s surface. Baking soda is also useful for fighting bacteria, which means it may help lessen plaque and stop tooth decay.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a gentle bleach that is effective for teeth whitening. To achieve an optimal result, you can try brushing with a combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda for one or two minutes twice daily over one week. You should not do this frequently because hydrogen peroxide may cause tooth sensitivity, meaning it is suitable for extended use by people with sensitive teeth.


Papaya and Pineapple Fruits contain papain and bromelain respectively. These two are enzymes that may be effective for teeth whitening. A study conducted in 2012 suggested that solutions with these enzymes might have visible whitening effects. However, more research is necessary to determine how useful these enzymes really are.

That’s not all

Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the best way to stop further yellowing. Experts suggest regular brushing, flossing, and the use of fluoride toothpaste. Contact our office today and let us help guide you in making the best teeth whitening decisions! 

Request a dental appointment here: or call Queens Family Dental at (718) 954-9425 for an appointment in our Flushing dental office.

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