Common Signs You Need a Root Canal

Root Canal Flushing, NY

A root canal is a treatment that can keep your tooth intact. The dentist will assess your tooth and ask you about your symptoms. But knowing if you need this treatment can tell you if you need to see your dentist for this procedure soon. Here are the common signs you need a root canal treatment.

Cracked or chipped tooth

Sometimes, playing contact sports or eating something hard can result in dental damage. The dentist can order dental X-rays to see the extent of the dental damage. The chip or fracture may have reached the pulp area of the tooth. The chip or crack will serve as passageways for bacteria. The infection will start inside the tooth. Bacteria could reach the bloodstream and reach the rest of the body. A root canal treatment can remove the damaged pulp and seal the dental structure.

Severe, persistent pain

This is a significant indicator of a dental problem. Seeing a dentist for this type of pain is necessary if the discomfort is already disrupting one’s daily activities. Eating or drinking can trigger the pain. The dentist will assess the tooth in question and decide if it needs a root canal. Antibiotics may ease the infection. But if the pain comes back, the dentist may recommend the procedure.

Temperature sensitivity

The patient may experience pain upon consuming cold or hot foods and drinks. This could also mean that there is an infection. The sensitivity in the nerves may be due to a dental root infection. See the dentist about this issue or it could worsen. The dentist may recommend a root canal if the problem is severe.

Dental discoloration

A tooth may look yellow or darker. The infection in the tooth may progress and even cause it to crumble. Seeing the dentist right away is necessary. This problem may be a sign that the patient needs root canal therapy.

Tenderness or swelling around the tooth

There could be swelling around the problem tooth. This problem may be due to an abscess inside the tooth. The buildup of pus in the tooth is due to a bacterial infection. After a thorough dental inspection, the dentist will recommend a root canal treatment. This procedure will remove the infection and stop the tenderness.

Wiggly or loosening tooth

This could mean that the infection may have already spread beyond the tooth. At this point, the surrounding soft tissue of the tooth may have weakened. The tooth then becomes unstable. The dentist may recommend a root canal treatment if the tooth is loosening or wiggly.

Bitter taste in the mouth and foul breath

These are significant signs of a severe tooth infection. They could cause awkwardness and embarrassment. The symptoms will need immediate treatment. A thorough evaluation will determine the extent of the infection. The dentist may then recommend an immediate root canal treatment.

Understanding the signs can help you get an immediate root canal

A significant dental problem can affect your daily activities. Failing to notice the symptoms can lead to complications. Seeing your dentist right away can confirm if your dental problem needs a root canal. If you do, working with your dentist can make you heal faster.

Request an appointment here: or call Queens Family Dental at (718) 954-9425 for an appointment in our Flushing office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Root Canal in Flushing, NY.

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